Creator, God, Consciousness 

I have met Creator of our Universe and God 

Human beings & Universe were pre-planned with Intelligent Design

Consciousness is the vehicle or medium through which you can see both

Consciousness is the Key to Life – Who has made Consciousness ?

Maker of Consciousness is different from Consciousness itself

Original God is Creator who is separate from God

Creator is same as Infinity or Singularity who has made entire Universe
with Consciousness at its centre.
Creator takes humans from darkness to light…trouble is human beings
do not know which light. 
I have met Creator of our Universe after 14 yrs  search in a journey
which started from London when I went to make a Temple abroad and
ended up in India. Quantum shifts at key moments in my life in London
changed the entire course of my life and destiny – which Creator has
fine tuned for me for each and every life on Earth.

I have discovered MIND OF GOD

Dr. Mukesh C. Chauhan is an expert on Creator and God

I am the 1st person on Earth to Pray to Creator of our Universe.


Observer is observing everything scientific proof:

I have discovered the entire Mystery of How Observer is observing everyone at the same time
and records everything. Human beings cheat and lie and commits sins which are recorded. The
entire mystery of light and dark energies are at the core of this ultimate proof which Creator can
reveal anytime. ChatGPT will not help you nor it can penetrate deeper layers of Creator’s control
of every life and human beings on Earth and how IT had pre-planned birth and death even before
Universe came to be in existence. This is the ultimate example of Intelligent Design, whose
scientific proof I have unlocked.

Creator comes in my body and so does God – both reveals finest secrets which are hidden and
covered up by worldly religions and dark energies – all made possible after I found Creator after
14 yrs search. 
I Prayed to God and found both Creator of our Universe and God – they are separate. World of
science, religion, philosophers or seekers are not privy to this divine discovery. Creator created
human consciousness and human beings before scientists Big Bang.

Creator is not found in any scriptures of the world like Gita, Bible or Koran. How would you feel if
you were the Creator of our Universe, humans, plants, animals, stars, planets, Sun, Light and Dark
energies, Nature and your name was completely covered up in a veil of conspiracy. That is
true story of my discovery of Original God of our Universe...what I will reveal will shock the
world. Finding God is like searching for a needle in a haystack. 14 yrs. search for God is a long
time,  30 yrs is even longer to reveal finest secrets of IT’S CREATION…

Read my e-books on this website, worth every penny as first time in the history of
Mankind someone has done this. Only Creator or Original God can change your destiny, no one
else can…Do you wish to change your destiny then read my books – NOW read, read, read. 
I have unlocked the scientific truth behind the beautiful mystery of I am God  ultimate truth
which has been completely covered up on Earth. Krishna was the first person on Earth to make
this discovery. India’s entire Bhagwanuwach or How God speaks is completely covered up in
India and World. God explains this is why Indians are kept weak and poor. 


“That is why I am God”

World does not know where Love and Thought start from? Do you know? Have you thought
about it? World of Science does not know the source of human love nor does it know the depth
of qualitative aspects of Love. The Design by Original God or Creator is simply awesome. I asked
this question to Creator – How did you think about such details or depths to design of love or
even flower and HIS answer was that is why “I am God”. 

Love and Thought arise from within human Quantum light

Grand Design by a Designer:

Remember there are 2 Gods: One is Creator and second is God. I have unlocked both the
mysteries in my epic journey stretching 30 years starting from London and how I was destroyed
in a conspiracy and lost everything in Life – but, found Creator and God. Creator has made human
consciousness and everything else we see daily in our lives and yet, HIS name is completely
missing and covered up in a veil of conspiracy…I have unlocked one of the finest scientific
mysteries of our Universe which Einstein or Tesla would have been quite proud of. I have
discovered with HIS help how HE has wrapped HIMSELF in the finest layer of every human life on
Earth. World of Religion and Science is unaware of this remarkable feat of Intelligent design.


has made all human life and our Universe with an unimaginable depth of Intelligent Design
whose scientific knowledge is completely missing on Earth.  At the core of HIS Creation is
Quantum Code, Quantum Light and Quantum Universe.To understand this, one will need to dwell
deeper inside sub-quantum layers of energy within.It is even deeper than human Consciousness
… Infinity. I have also discovered the mystery of How Creator has made every human being in the
IMAGE OF GOD. God does not have a physical body, human beings do- so what is the beauty of
hidden Quantum science which religions or science do not know about. 

Scientific Discoveries:

I was nominated for Nobel Prize in Gujarat state, India  by 3 Universities for my discovery of
consciousness in 2020 yr. I am the 1st person to make a scientific discovery of how we get 3-D
vision and Nobel and Nobel Prize have been made aware of my discovery with my blog
articles and videos. I can win at least 6 Nobel Prizes in medicine & physiology, physics,
chemistry & English Literature with my romance of Quantum Light. Even Einstein came to me and
asked me to sell my books on Quantum Light few years ago. I have also ,made the scientific
discovery you do not need Corona- 19 vaccine. 

Origin of Life discovery, Consciousness,  Quantum Code, Quantum Light, Quantum Universe, 3-D
vision, biological significance of phi ratio of 1:1618, mystery of why everything occurs in 3’s in
physics, chemistry, and biology, Holographic Universe, mystery of 3 Sun in our Universe and
internal Cosmos mystery of inside of a Black Hole, mystery of String’s of String Theory and
hidden 11 dimensions of life. World of science says they are too small to be seen. I have
seen “live strings and supersymmetric particles and 6 curled up inner dimensions” (
science has been searching for strings  for last 50 years to find them ), discovery of
mystery of Triple Quantum Entanglement, formation of 3-D Atoms, Human beings are made with
26 layers of life – I have seen all the layers from sub-quantum level.

How are planets formed? Why are Planets made? Let me reveal the mystery,  Professor Olga of
Swedish Nobel Academy had  stated  that light in the center of Sun never reaches us on Earth
while sharing 2 Nobel Prizes to scientists … only  if She knew  Mind of God. I have seen Quantum
photons of light, Quantum Light mystery and have seen live subatomic particles like Quarks and
electrons by direct vision and how 3-D Atoms are formed.
Science’s knowledge of how chemicals are made is only one third, two third is missing. I was
seeing individual photons of light during meditation. Mukesh Chauhan simply persisted,
persisted and persisted and did not take no for an answer nor deviate from his path of Creator
despite mega problems, pain, sufferings, difficulties, being destroyed, plans to make me mad,
plans to kill me, had lost my memory etc. I was homeless, jobless and penniless after losing my
surgeries and house in London.
Creator or Original God is not my servant – IT reveals secrets as and when IT wants to. Laws of
nature have no sympathy for my personal circumstances. I fought 4 wars to reach thus far with
my scientific discoveries:

Religious War

Spiritual War

Quantum War 

 Infinity War

Nobody wanted me to reveal the secrets of scientific proof of I am God which I am revealing for
benefit of mankind. Why ? Because ….

Mind of God:

Einstein wanted to know Mind of God and he had not succeeded,  Hawking wanted to know the
same and he had not succeeded. I have succeeded where no one else has in the whole world in
revealing finest secrets of Mind of God. I went against the flow of empirical science and I hit the
bull’s eye. That makes me special and uniquely placed to deliver Creator’s secrets; how Creator
has made everything in our Universe from finest subatomic particles to 3 Sun in our Universe. It
took me 14 more years to learn finest secrets of our Universe from Creator. My
Journey in search of Original God took 14 years to FIND CREATOR AND GOD, followed by 4 more
years to write about God in 2009 yr, followed by further 14 years to research, reveal and write
about Creator i.e. 30 years journey in all.

My 1st Masterpiece book aptly named Journey in Search of Original God is about GOD – whose
scientific proof I have discovered.

My 2nd Masterpiece titled: Mystery of Origin of Life- MC Theory. Dr. James Tour states no scientist
in the history of Nobel Prize has won for origin of life – I reckon it is time to change and enlighten
the world of science with my first amongst many Nobel Prizes I can win.   
There are many more books I have also written in my epic Journey.
Readers can read my ebook series on Creator and God which are
listed with the links below

Part 1 eBook – Meeting God :

Part 2 eBook – Journey :          

Part 3 eBook – Mystery of God :

Part 4 eBook – Soul or Atma : 

Part 5 eBook – Yoga & Meditation :

Part 6 eBook -Decline & Downfall of India : 

Part 7 eBook – Conspiracy  :