Importance of Black Hole and Consciousness
Did you know that human consciousness has Black Hole designed right inside its depth. Scientists are looking at external black holes and getting excited by their research and new findings which is always to be welcomed. But, their knowledge is incomplete. Original God of SINGULARITY controls every human life, in fact everything in our existence from the depth of the Black Hole which is present inside you and me and we fools don’t even know that. God must be having a good laugh at all of us. We are hunting for treasures outside us externally, when HE has endowed us with the ultimate Diamonds inside us human beings. Somewhere in the Journey of human life, we have become lost….we need to rediscover who we really are. Ask the right question- who am I? That is how I started my Journey in Search of Original God 23 years ago from London.
Dr. Mukesh C. Chauhan UCH UCL London and India