EPR Paradox – Einstein at his best

EPR Paradox – Einstein at his best 

EPR Paradox - Einstein at his best
EPR Paradox – Einstein at his best 

Einstein was an original thinker and there is no doubt about it. Who is the observer? EPR attempted to tackle that issue which resulted in an epic experiment done in Paris and designed by Bell. Scientists have grapled with that question for over a century.  Heisenberg’s Nobel Prize was of the uncertainty principle that when observer and observed clashed. They cannot be seen at the same time. When you observe the subatomic particles the reality which we try and observe changes. This was the duality in life between a wave and a particle. Collapse of a wave was a big scientific finding. From this Schrodinger -another Nobel Prize winner had calculated a probability wave function with Mathematical calculations of finding a particle. 

None of the scientists knew about who is the observer. Creator reveals that Mystery of observer verses observed mysteries of our Universe.

Dr. Mukesh C. Chauhan 
