Original God of Infinity reveals beautiful coded message of President trump USA
Original God of Infinity reveals beautiful message of President trump USA
Original God of Infinity reveals beautiful coded message of President Trump USA. One morning I was meditating on Infinity and I received a fleeting message which I have attempted to draw above. It was so fast, I really could not grasp the deeper significance or hidden coded message relating to President Trump. I simply could not work on that entire day as the message kept on repeating in my mind. There was an important message for me in that coded message. There was a message for Trump who had not yet become the President. There was a conspiracy to bring down Trump during USA elections from higher invisible energies – not God. How will you know what the blanks are and what they mean in relation to me or Trump. Creator is like that. HE can reveal anything anytime to anyone in the Universe – not just world. Currently I am sharing PM Modi’s sins of raping a girl which is completely covered up by higher invisible energies. But, Original God can reveal or uncover anything anytime anywhere. How many blind Modi followers know about this secret. See if you can figure out the missing puzzle, I have, but I bet you won’t be able to figure out the answers….