Quantum Light is human consciousness. Its scientific discovery inside human brain led to unfolding of detailed structure of consciousness which is coded in each human life. This is Quantum Code, the real Da Vinci code of our human consciousness and Universe on which everything is made. This eBook explains the finer details of what Quantum Light looks like inside human brain, various stages of seeing the sub-quantum light followed by scientific structure of Quantum Code and arrangement of all the raw materials needed to make anything in life possible from within human source. The boundary between consciousness and cognition is a new scientific discovery and explained. Quantum Light has enormous implications for human well being as it affects health, happiness and wealth as internal roots forms from within human Quantum Code to attract all the things one requires in life to lead a meaningful and purposeful life. Power lies within.One needs to awaken power of Quantum Light & Code consciousness to awaken divine virtues from within. Read the new digital ebook of 3 beautiful scientific discoveries i.e. Quantum Light, Quantum Code and MC-Factor release leads to cognition from consciousness.This is new knowledge which science will appreciate.It is decoding human consciousness which is separate from physical human brain.