Infinity is Original God of our Universe

Infinity is Original God of our Universe 

Infinity is Original God of our Universe 

Infinity is Original God of our Universe. People associate Infinity as a Mathematical concept which has been popularised by many leading scientists and eminent Mathematicians like Hawking, Einstein, Ramanujan. Infinity is confined within the realms of theorems and calculations. But, now for the first time in history of mankind, I am bringing Infinity within easy access of anyone and everyone without any mathematics or any calculations or computers. By direct method Infinity can be experienced by anyone…It has taken me 24 yrs NOW to reach thus far. The road or passage to Infinity has been made easy with my new scientific discoveries. Now I making it easy for I wish to make Infinity visible for anyone so people can benefit in their daily lives….Establish contact with Infinity and enjoy a new life with highest dimensions. Enlighten with a practical experience…

Read my scientists eBooks on my website.

Dr. Mukesh Chauhan