Mind of God

Mind of God

Mind of God
Mind of God 

Mind of God: 

This is a beautiful topic which has perplexed mankind since the beginning. Very few have bothered to discover this beautiful secret. The ones who have tried, mostly unsuccessfully, were labelled as mad or crackpots. The same who are persecuted while alive gets their statues made after death when it is too late. From the modern history Einstein was one such person who stood for his beliefs despite entire scientific establishment in Germany and world being against him, he continued undeterred. I have taken the same view and stood tall with my personal beliefs, especially after meeting God in my epic Journey lasting 14 years. Now I can safely reveal I am the first person who is revealing the Mind of God. There are many important things God has explained and the truth which is completely covered up on Earth has a deeper conspiracy to cover up its name which comes from India…Now I am revealing the entire mystery, so world knows the truth.

Mukesh Chauhan