I am God –
is Krishna saying Creator’s knowledge
I am God – is Krishna saying Creator’s knowledge
Truth is covered up in India about the beauty of this absolutely true scientific statement. It was Krishna alone who said this statement which is revealing Creator’s knowledge of how Creator had made human beings. Krishna had single handedly fought India’s entire religions to expose this truth. This truth is completely covered up by India’s entire religious hierarchy who are completely corrupt to the hilt. This truth is also covered up in India’s scripture Gita by Brahmins who had written corrupted Gita. 2 things are completely covered up in Gita one is Who is our beloved Creator and second is who is God. Indians are kept in the darkness. They need to awaken their power and question their beliefs and mindset and what they have been falsely taught by tradition. All the varna and caste disputes disappears if Indians awaken to this beautiful quantum science knowledge of Creator or Infinity who had made everyone on Earth. Krishna was the only person on Earth who received this ultimate knowledge which neither Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammad knew about. Krishna was given scientific proof of this true knowledge. Indians would be rich and powerful if they become aware of this quantum power within.
Watch my You Tube video on this beautiful topic: Click the link below
Dr. Mukesh C. Chauhan