Nobel Prize 3-D vision discovery

Nobel Prize 3-D vision discovery 

1st person on Earth to make the discovery
1st person on Earth to make the discovery



Scientific discovery on solving the 3-D vision:

I have signed sealed and delivered a Nobel prize for this beautiful scientific discovery in medicine. Nobody in the world knows how we get 3-D vision. This is a complete mystery to the world of both science and neuroscience. This is a beautiful scientific and very satisfying discovery which gives me enormous happiness. If scientific discovery of consciousness was the pinnacle of my discoveries, then this discovery was on par with that discovery. But none of them would have been possible if I had not found Creator first. This was the tough part of my epic Journey stretching 30 yrs. of my life.

In 2009 yr., I was seeing individual photons of light with my eyes closed during deeper levels of meditation and consciousness. While Darwin was right about many things with his rational approach in his theory on origin of species in 1859 yr. and evolution, even he had doubts about his own view that human eye was not intelligently designed. Now I can disprove that Darwin was incorrect about his view about human eye.

3-D vision is made from Quantum Code which is the source code of our Universe. The sheer Intelligent Design of 3-D vision is simply beyond human and scientists imagination. 

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Evolutionary scientists as per Darwin’s view needed to go back in time and find simple to complex eyes found on Earth. Scientists had reached as far back as Precambrian explosion when multiple species were present at the same time – which became a problem for Darwin who not only could not find LUCA, but, also could not explain along with evolutionary scientists that with slow gradual steps with natural selection human eyes evolved from simple to complex eyes. Trouble is there is no evidence to explain this evolutionary scientist view today.


Richard Dawkins (Blind Watchmaker 1986): stated

“ Any engineer would naturally assume that the photocells would point towards the light, with their wires leading backwards towards the brain. He would laugh at any suggestion that the photocells might point away from the light ”

Jonathan Wells of Intelligent Design deserves credit for his objective analysis of human eye’s design and aptly sums up similar sentiments echoed by Kenneth Miller (Life’s Grand Design 1994) whose book in Biology is taught in American schools. 



Kenneth Miller played a role with Dover case Judgment of learned Judge Jones III – which I can set aside along with American Supreme Court Judgment  with my scientific discoveries on Intelligent Design and 3-D vision discovery. Intelligent Design has nothing to do with religion – it is pure science, albeit Quantum science  and should be taught in all American schools and does not violate American constitution which separates church from the state. I have the new evidence which was not available during the Dover case trial in America.

Kenneth Miller states “no designer would suggest that the neural wiring

connections should be placed on the side that faces the light, rather than on

the side away from it. Incredibly, this is how the human retina is constructed ”.

With my new scientific evidence, we can set aside American Supreme Court Judgement which had closed the door on Intelligent Design. It is my contention that Intelligent Design should be taught to science students in American schools. There are over dozen scientific discoveries I have made IN physics, chemistry, biology, medicine which support Intelligent Design proof.  In 2005 and 2011, there was no coherent theory on Intelligent Design. Now we have a practical and theoretical proof with my MC -Theory of Everything which unites everything small and everything large, something which Einstein could not and which I have successfully achieved. Evolutionary biologists claim that this bad design is evidence against the intelligent design and evidence for unguided evolution. These intelligent scientists are all fooled or foxed by Creator’s Intelligent Design.

Human eyes are flawed as Richard Dawkins has stated with light detector cells are running in the reverse direction compared to cephalopods which have light detector cells running first in retina. Scientists state in support of the flaw with human eyes that rods and cones detector cells are facing backwards. The reverse directions of these rods and cones cells in human eyes has been stated as a design fault with evolution which some science teachers (Kenneth Miller in USA Biology text book) aver which evolution is correcting over time.

1st person to make 3-D vision discovery

Richard Dawkins asserts natural selection provides the slow climb to the mount to correct design faults or flaws with human eyes.

Congruency in nature Dawkins cites as powerful evidence in support of evolution if there was a common ancestor. But, they don’t know who or what is that common ancestor (LUCA). Not finding congruency does not mean Intelligent Designer is cheating scientists limited mindset of other varieties which exist in nature or which does not match phylogenetics or phylogenomic which after all are based on computer algorithms which are made to show particular evolutionary tree.

Both Intelligent Design and Darwinian evolution are perfect examples of common ancestry whose scientific structure science is not fully privy too nor is it privy to deeper intelligence which exists which controls and influence all and any species whether they are aquatic or terrestrial. Human beings are a beautiful example of special Intelligent Design. Human eye is a perfect example of Intelligent Design by which evolutionary scientists are foxed. Just because they see human light cells running in opposite direction, they think of it as evidence of Design fault. What they don’t think is why they do run in the opposite direction and what is the deeper meaning behind that which my scientific discovery reveals.

This is perfect proof that materialism and naturalism do not reveal the complete picture which is hidden from the science. Human mind is not the brain and neurons. They cannot answer why we see a continuous film of vision from our eyes which is running 24/7 nor can they answer why we don’t see the blind spot present at the back of human eyes in our vision- I can answer both those with my scientific discovery of 3-D vision.

I am the only person on Earth who has unlocked or decoded the entire Mystery of 3-D vision. Ancient people not versed in science have stated human eyes mirrors the image of the human soul. Now I can prove that is not just a philosophical statement, but a true scientific statement as I have discovered scientific structure of human soul which has nothing to do with religions of the world – it is pure Quantum science. Now I have the scientific proof of my scientific discovery. I can tie up my scientific discovery of 3-D vision from sub-quantum level to my scientific discovery of human consciousness from sub-quantum level for which I was nominated for a Nobel Prize in medicine and physics in 2020 yr.

Now I can reveal the ultimate engineer is the Creator of Intelligent Design who has designed 3-D vision with immaculate perfection which misleads eminent evolutionary scientists to think in the opposite direction- away from the real goal within. Why? Because they do not have the missing links in the jigsaw puzzle of what we call Origin of Life, I do. They cannot think deeper from their limited mindset which Creator propelled me to think from Quantum level and not from physical scientists physical perspective only.

Why I succeeded against all odds:

I did not know then in London that Creator was imploring me to change my course of direction in life once when heavy bleeding would not stop during bone surgery before Implant placement in my surgery in London. Creator was teaching me a lesson – Creator was guiding me then. 

God was also guiding me of my real role in life which is why I had taken birth with a message by a Christian Priest in my surgery. Remember both Creator and God are different. I have scientific proof of both of them.

These Quantum shifts played a key role in life and I humbly urge people to be alert of these shifts in their lives as they are telling you something important – only if you are open to receiving them.

Don’t forget, I did the difficult thing first, I went in search of Creator of our Universe and it took me 14 years to find the ultimate prized discovery…my approach was completely different to traditional approach, I started my search from 1st person perspective as opposed to science’s 3rd person perspective. But the big mistake I made was I was driven in life and not in control of my life. Nevertheless, I hit Bull’s Eye after 14 years of hell. The difficulties which ensued after that were even more horrendous as attempts were made to make me mad, kill me off etc…I lost everything and how I survived 6 big road traffic accidents is nothing short of a miracle of life. Now with 30 yrs. journey I have made phenomenal number of scientific discoveries to help mankind and science and dispel many myths.

Human Eyes are Intelligently Designed:

I have learned that everything in nature is Intelligently Designed – trouble is people do not know Mind of Creator or God, whom they cannot find. I have the added advantage that I have found both and have scientific proof of my discoveries. It is my personal discovery that if we do not know something means there is gap in our knowledge and understanding. We have to dig deeper to find answers. To be fair to learned and dedicated scientists, 4 out of 5 steps involved in 3-D vision are invisible to human eyes and modern science despite their advanced optical microsopes. How did I succeed where many geniuses have failed? Answer is simple – my approach or technique was different. I went against the flow of science thought and training and hit the jackpot.

Creator knows they steal everything and lie on Earth to cover up

Absolute Truth:

Creator has informed me that they have all conspired to

cover up Creator’s name on Earth by religions. I am the only person

Creator knows will fight tooth and nail to expose the real truth to

humanity which is the real reason why I had to endure phenomenal

difficulties in life – but, I never caved in. That is the real reason why my

sharp memory was destroyed by black magic in Mauritius where I had

made the Temple so I would not remember I had met Creator.

I am the only person on Earth who has received the sub-quantum

science knowledge so no one can steal this information from me. 


For those doubting how information is stolen, scientists do not know that is why Creator had made a Black Hole inside every human being to protect and safeguard the information and knowledge.

I will have to make lot more knowledge known about consciousness and it’s sub-quantum structure so scientists can then understand how 3-D functions beautifully. My scientific discovery is human eye is Intelligently Designed from the beginning. Scientists so called reverse direction of the light detector cells IN HUMAN RETINA cells is the correct direction.

I have discovered that the reason why the light detector cells are running in the scientists so called reverse direction is because the light detector cells are receiving signals of 3-D vision from BEHIND THE HUMAN EYE FROM WITHIN HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS, NOT FROM THE FRONT. The vision coming from the front with physical light rays is travelling to human retina via blind spot and optic nerve to visual cortex. This is limited physical vision which is stored in human brain. I will have to explain about different types of light and their significance which scientists are not knowledgeable about yet – give them time. Consciousness is tucked in behind human eyes within human brain. This is perfect example of Intelligent Design at it’s best. Science does not know the real significance of how consciousness plays a key role 24/7 in our lives and the real reason of why and how time dilation functions to keep human beings alive after death.


Scientific proof of Intelligent Design starts from behind the physical eyes in human beings. That is why For Your Eyes only is more than just a James Bond movie title. There is more to life than it meets the eye. There is real significance to this apt phrase. Qualitatively – How many different types of eyes are present in human beings. How many scientists know this ultimate truth about eyes? If I say there are seven different types of human eyes present in every human being, evolutionary scientists will have ulcer. I have the scientific proof of this beautiful mystery – worthy of another Nobel Prize. Nobel Prize committee will have difficulty in giving me so many Nobel Prizes as no one in the history of science can win at least 12 Nobel Prizes – I can. I have won them. Read my blog article on this or listen to my Podcast.

Scientists do not know structure of human consciousness – I do.  I have got the scientific proof of that information. Naturally, I will have to explain a lot more information about how this comes about and how we see 3-D vision. I will also explain why we don’t see the black spot during our vision where there are no light detector cells present at the back of human eye.  I will also explain why the epithelium and blood vessels are positioned at the back of light detector cells in human eye and why Muller cell helps to give a clearer image.

3-D vision is a perfect example of Intelligent Design which should win a Nobel Prize as no one in the entire scientific fraternity knows the deeper layers of Intelligent Design which I have discovered.


Interested in knowing more about my scientific knowledge?

More details of 3-D vision can be shared via lectures or online meetings etc.. I will reveal what are the 5 steps of 3-D vision. Author has no doubt that he can establish Intelligent Design. Quantum science is the real source of enlightenments of which there are many different types. These are real and can be experienced by anyone but requires proper awakening of the power within. The further details of 3-D vision steps which are not explained in this article can be availed further by contacting me personally for any lecture off line or online.

Any interested party wishes to know more about my scientific discoveries or learn more details about my discoveries are requested to contact me at my email address of or or my mobile number at 0091 8141990055 or via Twitter @1originalgod or LinkedIn or leave a message on my website contact form at (

I can also attend and give lectures on variety of scientific discoveries not listed in the above or spiritual or religious or quantum power.


(UCH UCL London & India)

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