Scientists routinely cite the God of Gaps arguments against Genesis and Bible. They use this arguments in numerous debates discussions platforms to prophese their beliefs or mindset about God being unreal and to focus purely on science and scientific arguments. Scientists further aver there is no God. Yet many deep thinkers and philosophers point to beautiful organisation and order in support of God. They further point out the fine tuning arguments of many particles which means the Universe was Designed. Trouble is they cannot find evidence of a Designer on whom they can lay their finger, which simply adds to their frustration and endorses their atheism or agnosticism. So how does one convince any doubting people whether they are scientists or philosophers that God exists, this belief is firmly entrenched with believers and Church goers.
How does one change people’s mindset. The answer is with difficulty, until now that is.
Science and Religion:
God of Gaps arguments results because both science and religion do not the different energies which are involved in the arguments against existence of God. They further point out anomalies about God’s existence by citing why is there so much sufferings and violence on Earth. If God was All MERCIFUL than where is GOD to help people in distress and suffering with so much violence and bloodshed and wars everywhere on Earth with cruelty reaching new heights everywhere. Nature s is at its most fierce and is destroying everything with floods fires volcanoes and earthquakes.
I have met all of them in God of Gaps:
First let me reveal that I have met all 4 energies to which I am referring to in the God of Gaps arguments. I have found, met and work from Creator of our Universe who is as real as you and me. Similarly, I have met God, seen God and visited where God lives. I have also met World Spiritual Father and have also met Jesus Christ.
I went in search of Creator in a mammoth Journey starting from London which took me 14 years to find the Creator. I had also found God. These two are completely different. I have scientific proof of their existence. I succeeded because my approach was completely different to that of science or religion. The thing to remember is I did not find them in any laboratory. The hell I went through is another topic and book altogether to cover in a short blog post.
Scientific Proof:
I will reveal both practical structure of who and what is Creator or Infinity and who is God and how to see them. I have scientific proof of what I am saying. It is 30 yrs of my life and journey when majority of people would have aborted my path as being absolutely crazy and with a degree of madness. This is labour of Love and not everyone’s cup of tea.
But when destruction seems all the more pervasive, then people are searching for God to help them. They forget all their sins they have committed now and in the past and have the odyssity to blame God for their problems. They forget they are responsible for their own problems. Scientists cannot make a single cell and yet complain that strings of string theory do not exist just because eminent Mathematician Roger Penrose of Oxford University said so. Many Nobel Prize winners are wrong. I have scientific proof of stings existence.
Nobel Prizes:
is not a benchmark of seeing Creator or God. I have pointed out limitation of science. Where empirical science ends, Creator’s science begins. I should have won at least half a dozen Nobel Prizes for my many beautiful scientific discoveries like consciousness, 3-D vision, Creator, God, Origin of Life, Origin of Cell, Origin of Universe, strings, Black Hole’s 7 layers, 3rd eye verses 7th eye, how we acquire mass, how Atoms are formed – I have seen them live without any microscopes or telescopes.
Then scientists cite Genesis and state God said let there be light on the 1st day and yet there was no Sun until the 4th day. How can there be light on Day 1 without the Sun. They further aver that God said not to worship the Sun which pagans do but to worship me. Since, I had the privilege and honour of being guided by Creator with Origin of Life and Universe, I will reveal the truth behind this mystery. Suffice it to say GOD is right and the light GOD is referring to is completely different to the light of the Sun.
Any interested readers are kindly referred to reply and leave their message on the contact form or email me at 1originalgod@gmail.com or 1asb.1mcc@gmail.com or phone me on my mobile at 8141990055
Creator is NOT cheap and neither is GOD.
Dr. Mukesh C. Chauhan
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