This book will change the world. It has the potential to change India, if people are willing to change. People abroad will appreciate this book more than people in India, whose inertia is responsible for their downfall. It is time for the billionaires of the world to cough up their monies, especially those who love India and are engaged in beautiful philanthropy work to elevate Indian life. $ 500 million Dollars for this single book is not a lot of monies in the context of what I am offering to India and World and particularly rich people who have plenty of money which is no use unless it has been stimulated with kinetic energy for the welfare of humanity. I have set my standards and the goal posts in life. I was planning to give it free or charge a nominal amount, But, people do not value something which is free or cheap. It is down to human perception. God is not cheap. Human beings have made God cheap, which is a disgrace for mankind. Now read, how I met God and what God is saying about corrupt world and religions. I was lucky I survived …to reach thus far and simply continued when the going got tough. Never give up, especially if it is precious. I had trusted my sixth sense to continue when the path became very difficult and virtually impossible…Read about God’s message which HE gave me to deliver to mankind on Earth for world Peace…I am revealing how to speak and meet God …