Blind beliefs without questioning who is God is the problem
Creator or Original God provides all the sustenance of every human life on Earth. So why accept blind beliefs fed by traditions or religions without asking what is the real Truth. All external religions disappear, all external worship disappears, all external Priests or Brahmins or Gurus disappear, all external visits to Temples, Mosques, Churches, Gurudwara, Synagogue disappear. That is the bottom line. Only thing is people need to Awaken from within…
In the eyes of the Creator or Original God we are all equal.
So why do we have so much disparity amongst people of the world with their beliefs and behaviours and religious beliefs. The answer is simple from Quantum Code level which is the root of human consciousness. What beliefs you allow are partly ingrained in human beings from childhood, partly inherited and partly environment which all play a role to mold human beliefs, thinking and worship. This is also responsible for lack of growth or progress in life. If your beliefs change then you change. If you change then everything changes. Process is internal and not external. Opposite of what we believe has been entrenched by religious leaders or Gurus with limited knowledge which people blindly accept without questioning the efficacy of what vibrations are being inculcated inside human Quantum Code of Consciousness.
Dr. Mukesh C. Chauhan UCH UCL London and India