
I have met Allaha…Muslims have not

I have met Allaha…Muslims have not 

I have met Allaha...Muslims have not
I have met Allaha…Muslims have not 

I have met Allaha…Muslims have not:

Allaha said to me Muslims Prayers are not reaching Allaha. Why is that? What is the significance of this statement by Allaha. What is the point of Praying in a Mosque on Friday afternoon and your Prayers does not reach Allaha. What Allaha is saying Muslims do not know how to Pray. Muslims ego has reached sky high. When Muslims ( or mine or anyone else) ego reaches sky high, then one will never meet Allaha. One will not meet Creator of our Universe who is separate from Allaha. Muslims behaviour is disgraceful to say the least after yesterday’s violence in India. If you don’t like debates, then don’t engage in them. If you don’t have the capacity to listen to other people’s opinion then don’t discuss but ignore them completely. You are a violent race and that is how your forefathers had conquered India. Creator will not allow anymore of this violent behaviour from Muslims or any threats to Indian women. 

Dr. Mukesh C. Chauhan

Fight a real man – leave Nupur sharma alone

Fight a real man – leave Nupur Sharma alone 

Fight a real man - leave Nupur sharma alone
Fight a real man – leave Nupur sharma alone 

Fight a real man – leave Nupur sharma alone: 

I am God is a true scientific statement said by Krishna. A young Hindu Kishan Bharwad was murdered by Muslim Priests in Gujarat state about 6 weeks for saying a true statement. That is disgraceful. Muslims have no knowledge of this statement by Krishna. Muslims leave Nupur Sharma alone – if you want to fight, fight a real man – ME, not women. Your best expert Dr. Zakir Naik has no knowledge of this statement. Limited knowledge is dangerous… India should be strong and powerful not weak and cave in to threats by Muslim terrorists or anyone. God helps those who helps themselves.

Dr. Mukesh C. Chauhan


I am God – Krishna was the 1st person on Earth to state this

I am God 

Krishna was the 1st person on Earth to state this 

I am God:

World is ignorant of Krishna’s magnificence of saying  a beautiful sentence – I am God. Krishna was the first person on Earth to say this. Jesus Christ said the same thing as Krishna some 3000 yrs after Krishna had said this. No Muslims knows about the significance of this profound statement. Prophet Mohammad had no idea about this. why is that? Creator of our Universe does not reveals finest secrets of HIS Universe and origin of human life on Earth to anyone. I am honoured, blessed and humbled to be the recipient of this knowledge. Gratitude is not enough…to say Thank You, Thank You, Thank You…

Creator controls every life and death on Earth. Creator decides who to take away and when to take away human beings on Earth.  Creator reveals beautiful sub-quantum science to me which Prophet Mohammad had no knowledge if. Lucky are the few like Einstein who pursued to find that Creator, albeit unsuccessfully.

Dr. Mukesh C. Chauhan 


Nupur Sharma dispute

Nupur Sharma dispute

Nupur Sharma dispute
Nupur Sharma dispute

Nupur Sharma dispute: 

India is submerged in false devotion. Indians cannot see deeper layers of corruption which is the real source of the problem. That source of corruption is false worship of entities who are not God. Indians are kept weak. Even worse, Indians do not know that it is Creator of our Universe who is real powerhouse of every life. If Indians discover this ultimate truth, all false devotions, worship in temples disappears, no Priests are needed. It is all symbolic worship whose truth is covered up from top down. Nobody wants this truth to be known by Indians. If truth is known all fighting ends. It is their intention to cause the war with false narratives. If Nupur Sharma has cited muslim scriptures than she cannot be faulted. PM Modi from Godhra has followed the policy of violence. It is a cover up. This is used by lower actors to cover up their sins. So question arises why is God silent? God knows about these sins and yet has allowed them in India. I am the first person on Earth to reach Creator of our Universe and also God. Arise Indians, stop fighting and awaken your power within from Creator which is covered up by entire Indian religious hierarchy. 

Dr. Mukesh C. Chauhan 


God exposes world spiritual Mother’s corruption

God exposes world spiritual Mother’s corruption 

God exposes world spiritual Mother's corruption
God exposes world spiritual Mother’s corruption 

God exposes world spiritual Mother’s corruption: 

I had gone to make a Temple for a  Hindu Priestess in Mauritius. Little did I know why I was having so many problems and difficulties which continued to spiral out of control, taking longer time, expense and had destroyed me. God reveals deeper sinister reason behind my downfall. It was entire female hierarchy and World Spiritual Mother in particular who was deliberately and knowingly blocking my success along with Hindu Priestess. This was a bombshell. I was stabbed in the back by the very person I was helping make her Temple.  Read all my books, readers will find wealth of knowledge after meeting God.

Dr. Mukesh C. Chauhan

Posted in God

God reveals what will happen to Gujarat State India

God reveals what will happen to Gujarat State India 

God reveals what will happen to Gujarat State India
God reveals what will happen to Gujarat State India 

God reveals what will happen to Gujarat State India:

God reveals more about the state of serious corruption in Gujarat State which is completely covered up in India and world. Many changes will take place in Gujarat State, India…but, I am not revealing some of the finest corruption details as to what will happen in Gujarat State India. God reveals PM Modi’s corrupt activities in Gujarat State and India, which are covered up.

Dr. Mukesh C. Chauhan

Posted in God

God reveals corrupt Brahma’s sins in Gujarat state India

God reveals corrupt Brahma’s sins in Gujarat state India 

God reveals corrupt Brahma's sins in Gujarat state India
God reveals corrupt Brahma’s sins in Gujarat state India 

God reveals corrupt Brahma’s sins in Gujarat state India:

I have many Divine messages which are revealed by God. Some of them are really startling. Average Indian does not have a clue about the level of corruption present in India’s biggest spiritual organisation known as whose head known as Brahma is involved in carrying out many sins. The sad thing is Shiva is the spiritual Father of this organisation and does not reveal the truth about Brahma’s corrupt activities. God reveals the details in the message explained in the post. 

Read all the books as they reveal gems of new knowledge never revealed or known. This is why I say to Indians you are kept in darkness by your own religious worship. Snap out of it. Rise higher in life, free from shackles of corrupt religious worship.

Dr. Mukesh C. Chauhan 



Posted in God

Part 6 – decline and downfall of India

Part 6 – decline and downfall of India 

Part 6 - decline and downfall of India
Part 6 – decline and downfall of India 

Part 6 – decline and downfall of India:

One would never know the real reasons of problems which India has faced in its traumatic history of the last 1000 yrs. By and large Indians are peaceful …yet, they were subjected to enormous onslaught of violence and death by forces externally and because truth is covered up in India about God and Creator. That is why Indians are weak and will continue to be attacked in future Yugs – history will repeat. Why? Because God says entire Indian religion is corrupt and have lied and covered up truth from Indians. Until author lived and discovered 16 reasons which he has cited in his book.  Indians need to wake up and stop blindly believing what anyone says to you, especially religions. 

American Library Association should have read supply of this book for their readers. International audience will appreciate the real life dissections of problems which Indians need to snap out of. British Libraries, Australian Libraries, Canadian libraries would all appreciate their demography better since Indians are living internationally. 

Click this link to avail this book: 

@ALALibrary @ALA_Booklist  @TheIdahoPress @NYPL 

Dr. Mukesh C. Chauhan


Part 5 – Yoga and Meditation

Part 5 – Yoga and Meditation 

Part 5- Yoga and Meditation
Part 5- Yoga and Meditation

Part 5- Yoga and Meditation 

Why is it Yoga and Meditation are very popular subjects now. There are reasons for it. World needs to change and derive benefits from it as now is the time when some of the finest secrets of origin of life who we are where we come from all have their roots deeper within via the medium of Yoga with meditation being the most important aspect of it. Author reveals his real life experiences of both from a very early age in London.  American readers everywhere at American Library Association should house this book which is beautiful in it’s simplicity. All libraries in America or Britain or elsewhere should have this book available for their patrons as many problems like gun violence which is prevalent can be eliminated only if people young and old can be made aware of it’s value to bring inner stability in humans families and societies. 

Click the link and avail the book NOW:  

@ALALibrary  @ns/s-librarysystem  @ALA_booklist  @TheIdahopress @TheLondonLibr

Dr. Mukesh  C. Chauhan 

Part 4 – Soul

Part 4 – Soul 

Part 4 - Soul
Part 4 – Soul 

Part 4 – Soul:

Soul is a mysterious entity which science feels is more meta science i.e. they do not have any evidence of its proof of existence.  Author decodes the entire mystery of science of soul and its stages of power. Author reveals scientific proof of its existence, its stages and how to see human soul. Deeper dissection of soul consciousness is a real subject for the enlightened. Author avers this beautiful subject should be available to every readers in every library whether in America or UK.  Let people appreciate the  beauty of its design and how Quantum science and theory is also practical. All American Libraries and British Libraries should have this book on their shelves for their readers.

Click the link below to order the ebook now:  

@ALALibrary  @ALA_Booklist  @TheIdahoPress @ns/s-librarysystem 

Dr. Mukesh C. Chauhan