Creator exposes India’s Shiva Hanuman Modi corruption
Creator exposes India’s Shiva Hanuman Modi corruption:
Creator exposes India’s religious corruption involving World Spiritual Father Shiva (he is the founder of 6 main religions of the world), Hanuman ( worshipped as monkey God of wind in India’s religion) and PM Modi’s corruption. Original God explains Shiv has done everything to cover up his religious lies and has used PM Modi for that lies. That is why PM Modi is constantly visiting fake stone worships in Temples. There is no God in that. It is Shivji who has promoted stone worshipping in Temples. Further, Shiv has done everything to cover up PM Modi’s sins in Gujarat and his handling of the economy and Godhra crisis. There has been nobody on Earth to tell the truth, until NOW, which is myself which Creator is revealing to me. Nothing is hidden about entire corruption from Politicians and Religions of India who are even now propagating false religious worship. This is a tragedy for India as people are deliberately kept poor and in artificial bubble which will burst when Creator acts to punish India for its sins. Truth has a value.
Listen to my Podcasts by clicking the link below of PM Modi’s rape which Creator exposes
Listen to my Podcasts by clicking the link of Blackmagic evil work of Indian religions of India exposed by Creator.
People need to wake up from false religious worship, beliefs and mindset.