Dan Brown on Origins

Dan Brown on Origins

Dan Brown on Origins
Dan Brown on Origins 

Dan Brown does a lot of research before he comes out with his topical book on topical subject. This time it is on our Origins. I am an admirer of Dan Brown’s works which takes a fictitious take based on real life issues. This time he feels days of religion are numbered. I tend to agree with this as Creator is working to reveal scientific foundation of our Origins which Dan Brown is not fully aware of nor are scientists or religionists. The only thing is he does not know about entire religious hierarchy, its structure and functions and that of God. You see, I have met both Original God and God – for the first time in history of Mankind. I am revealing the entire mystery of God…read my 1st Masterpiece: Journey in Search of Original God-18yrs…read real life true story based on how I met Original God. I am clarifying many sensitive issues about religions and God.

Dr. Mukesh C. Chauhan UCH UCL London and India
