Corona virus – how to become free from it

Corona virus - how to become free from it

Corona virus – how to become free from it

Yoga and Meditation

Corona virus – how to become free from it

Author firmly believes all great things are simple. Corona virus has destroyed the very fabric of our society and living on one side which has brought important realisations of fragility of human life and how powerless we all are against Corona virus pandemic which has caused mayhem throughout the world. On one side medical profession is doing its level best to help people but on the other side there is fear, especially in India that they like patients are at all time high risk. Death brings sudden realisation of living and breathing air painlessly and effortlessly. Author went to the heart of who makes Corona virus and who is spreading and how it is spread from source. World of science is focused on treating the effect of Corona virus after it is made i.e. from nano level, whereas author went to the core and cause and how to become free from Corona virus from deeper Quantum level and came up with 2 new scientific solutions which can be done by anyone anytime. 

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