I am God – Krishna was the 1st person on Earth to state this

I am God 

Krishna was the 1st person on Earth to state this 

I am God:

World is ignorant of Krishna’s magnificence of saying  a beautiful sentence – I am God. Krishna was the first person on Earth to say this. Jesus Christ said the same thing as Krishna some 3000 yrs after Krishna had said this. No Muslims knows about the significance of this profound statement. Prophet Mohammad had no idea about this. why is that? Creator of our Universe does not reveals finest secrets of HIS Universe and origin of human life on Earth to anyone. I am honoured, blessed and humbled to be the recipient of this knowledge. Gratitude is not enough…to say Thank You, Thank You, Thank You…

Creator controls every life and death on Earth. Creator decides who to take away and when to take away human beings on Earth.  Creator reveals beautiful sub-quantum science to me which Prophet Mohammad had no knowledge if. Lucky are the few like Einstein who pursued to find that Creator, albeit unsuccessfully.

Dr. Mukesh C. Chauhan 
