I have met Allaha…Muslims have not

I have met Allaha…Muslims have not 

I have met Allaha...Muslims have not
I have met Allaha…Muslims have not 

I have met Allaha…Muslims have not:

Allaha said to me Muslims Prayers are not reaching Allaha. Why is that? What is the significance of this statement by Allaha. What is the point of Praying in a Mosque on Friday afternoon and your Prayers does not reach Allaha. What Allaha is saying Muslims do not know how to Pray. Muslims ego has reached sky high. When Muslims ( or mine or anyone else) ego reaches sky high, then one will never meet Allaha. One will not meet Creator of our Universe who is separate from Allaha. Muslims behaviour is disgraceful to say the least after yesterday’s violence in India. If you don’t like debates, then don’t engage in them. If you don’t have the capacity to listen to other people’s opinion then don’t discuss but ignore them completely. You are a violent race and that is how your forefathers had conquered India. Creator will not allow anymore of this violent behaviour from Muslims or any threats to Indian women. 

Dr. Mukesh C. Chauhan 
