Mind of God – reading scriptures will not reveal structure of God

Mind of God – reading scriptures will not reveal structure of God

Mind of God - reading scriptures will not reveal structure of God
Mind of God – reading scriptures will not reveal structure of God 

Mind of God – reading scriptures will not reveal structure of Allah. Come on Muslims and followers of Islam what is the scientific structure of Allah?  How many or does any Muslim know this ultimate Truth? Answer is NO. Muslims are making the same mistakes as Hindus who read scriptures blindly with devotion and blind faith without ever questioning the efficacy of what they are reading. Until you the reader or devotee asks questions you will not progress in life whether physically mentally or spiritually. How will you know who is God? You will believe like Hindus in tradition which can be wrong. Millions of Hindus don’t have a clue about who is God, yet their false belief that their God is sacrocent is endemic. At least search for the Truth…albeit Absolute Truth. You must continue your quest for the invisible and make it visible, at least to your eyes. You don’t even know how many eyes you are made up of. Every Muslims, Hindu and Christian has 5 eyes, yet they are blinded by first two physical eyes only…grow please grow, evolve higher in life, even Charles Darwin though was incorrect at least was on right track with last common denominator in 1859 yr – more than 150 years ago…You are left behind – with your thinking or should I say lack of it… Only Original God reveals the scientific mystery of Allah and others after meeting Creator during my mammoth 14 yrs search to find God starting from London and ended up in India…

Dr. Mukesh C. Chauhan 
