Original God exposes Durga Maa’s lies

Original God exposes Durga Maa lies 

Original God exposes Durga Maa's lies
Original God exposes Durga Maa’s lies 

Indians are blind. They do not even question who they worship is worthy of worship.Can you believe it. The one I was worshipping as Goddess once upon a time i.e. Durga Maa was deliberately and knowingly keeping me poor. She did not want me to have monies as I would be more powerful. She did not want me to have energies so I would be weak as without energy and without memory one cannot function optimally in Life or as I say fire on all cylinders. Sun was giving energies and lifting me up to circumvent weakness induced by Durga and Hanuman and others…Hanuman acted as a decoy and works on Shiva’s instructions.Durga Maa was supporting a lying Hindu Priestess. Question of female ego. I was to learn many painful lessons in Life in my Journey in Search of Original God…

Nothing is hidden from Creator who controls everyone and everything from SOURCE. HE can block me you or Shiva or Durga or Hanuman or anyone and everyone at the same time. That is the beauty of HIS Holographic Universe and whose knowledge is completely covered up on Earth and which I am exposing for the benefit of mankind so that they can elevate their life and living …Ask Soul searching questions about your beliefs and see if they are true…

Dr. Mukesh C. Chauhan 
