Part 5 – Yoga and Meditation

Part 5 – Yoga and Meditation 

Part 5- Yoga and Meditation
Part 5- Yoga and Meditation

Part 5- Yoga and Meditation 

Why is it Yoga and Meditation are very popular subjects now. There are reasons for it. World needs to change and derive benefits from it as now is the time when some of the finest secrets of origin of life who we are where we come from all have their roots deeper within via the medium of Yoga with meditation being the most important aspect of it. Author reveals his real life experiences of both from a very early age in London.  American readers everywhere at American Library Association should house this book which is beautiful in it’s simplicity. All libraries in America or Britain or elsewhere should have this book available for their patrons as many problems like gun violence which is prevalent can be eliminated only if people young and old can be made aware of it’s value to bring inner stability in humans families and societies. 

Click the link and avail the book NOW:  

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Dr. Mukesh  C. Chauhan