Kerala story is a film about young girls who are brain washed into conversion by Muslims and raped. It is a documented fact that this recruitment of young girls did take place in UK USA and in India and many Islamic countries. Young girls are knowingly getting involved. They cannot be that naïve that they do not know what is happening around them. The film shows girls attending a nursing college and how Kashmiri slogans are painted on walls and how their accomplishes gradually gets them entangled in a web of deceit and Islamic conversions and even getting them to go to Afghanistan, Iran, Syria for ISIS cause. ISIS is a terrorist organisation which commits some of the most heinous crimes against both males and females.
PM Modi has weighed in this argument. But what India does not know is that PM Modi is also a rapist. God exposes details of Modi’s rape and viewers interested in it can view my video by clicking on the link below. Now one rapist i.e. PM Modi is saying he will not allow the country to be destroyed by other rapists i.e. Muslims who force or coerce conversion is effectively advising and warning against conversion and rape.
One rapist telling other rapists how he will not allow. This is a perfect example of double standards and hypocrisy which PM Modi has enjoyed. Why? Because Indians have stopped to think. They are blindly following their fake leader who is already a rapist. The one energy who is covering up PM Modi’s sins works below God level. Who is that ? Who is covering up PM Modi’s sins knowingly and deliberately ? This is the question which Indians should ask. Their failure is a reflection and apathy or inertia which Indians are in a state which brings their own downfall. Read my book on 16 reasons for India’s downfall.
PM Modi’s rape exposed by God – click the link below to watch the video
Now that energies who are falsely supporting PM Modi are stuck as supporting sinners rapists and murderers will lead to India’s downfall and destruction. Damage has been done. That is why PM Modi had blocked BBC documentary on rape with a court order in India. Why? Because to cover up his own sin of raping a young girl. Nobody knew that sin or atrocity committed by PM Modi would emerge out in the public domain. India is replete with stories of cover up and conspiracy after conspiracy to hide the truth from gullible people. They are being hoodwinked. They do not know what is Truth with power of Godi media who are openly covering up Truth from people in India. Not a single Godi media – I call it bought media where journalism is dying ( needed Journalists like late Christopher Hutchins) , had the guts to show my video revealing rape by PM Modi link…..
They are all quiet. Even worse is the coward Bollywood heroes and heroines who are active on social media and who are normally vociferous seemed to have lost their tongues on PM Modi’s rape. This simply proves how fake Bollywood heroes and heroines are in real life leading double standards.
George Orwell 1948 matters is an apt phrase used by Supreme Court of India. George Orwell had stated in 1948 yr. in his book that Truth will be covered up on Earth so people will not know the reality. This prediction is a reality. But one person – me, had searched for Creator or Infinity in an epic journey. It is this Creator who can reveal the picture of girl raped by PM Modi who had ran away after raping the girl. Modi’s family knows this very well, just like his wife knows this and his late mother knew it. Did the producer Vipul Shah of the Kerala story raise the issue in Supreme Court of India with BBC documentaries on Rape and Godhra in which Modi’s lies were actually covered up. Did they raise application to allow screening of these documentaries in India? Did they? No. Why Not?
Same with PM Modi’s cover up with Godhra and BBC documentary on it which he had knowingly banned it. Modi simply reveals how illiterate he is by saying he did not want British to teach human rights in the Godhra documentary by BBC. His illiteracy is evident that reveals it was British who played a pivotal role in lifting and uniting India and granting human rights which people like Jyotiba Phule, Judge Ranade, Dr. Ambedkar caught on. If you want to talk about British Jalliawala Baag genocide then you must all talk about CM Modi’s Godhra Genocide as well as Maplah Genocide as well as Kashmir Genocide. Modi has no respect for human rights when he raped an 11 yr. girl and ran away. Same with Godhra riots. This is what happens when blind people are knowingly promoted by Shivji and Durga who themselves cover up their lies and sins. God is above that and watching and Creator is above everyone and everything.
It is ironic that what was said in Matrix Film was true that even if you try and speak truth, people will go out of their way to defend the lies and liars as truth, which is what PM Modi does and has done in India.
PM Modi has polarized India and Indians. Indians falsely believe Modi has taught self-respect. Someone who is a liar has no self-respect. Someone who was hiding behind the petticoat of Z security as Gujarat CM and then as PM has no respect or self-worth. PM Modi’s election victories are fake, and are a result of fake EVM results, just like Kejrival’s election results are fake or hollow victories. Trouble is people do not know this truth or how fake victories are achieved. It is case of blind leading the blind or blind flowering the blind. Wake up blind people of India. You are responsible for your own downfall.
Indians are cowards and weak even now. Dr. Ambedkar was correct when he stated on BBC interview that foundation of India is weak. The foundation is made even weaker with lies perpetuated by Modi brigade who openly support lies and liars. Now PM Modi’s BJP cannot ask other states like Tamil Nadu or Bengal in India to show the film which is relevant. Let us not forget, Modi had set the precedent in Gujarat state by banning Amir Khan film where he played the role of the terrorist. Before that Congress had set the precedent by banning Satanic verses book with Natwar Singh ill advising PM Rajiv Gandhi worried about Law and Order situation. Who says India is a vibrant democracy? Indians do not have the maturity of democracy which comes with deeper knowledge. Brahmanism as practiced in Tamil Nadu even now as explained by Dr. Nagaswamy to Rajiv Mahotra will always lead to weaker India and Indians nationally and internationally. Admittedly, there is no democracy in Islam which does not tolerate any views expressed against Koran or their Prophet. Dr. Ambedkar was absolutely correct when he had stated Muslims will not change. Their allegiance will always be with Islam and their founders. It is Indians who are blind. Even worse, there is deeper truth which is completely covered up in India which I have discovered as to why Indians are weak and frail. That topic will require me to open up a lot more can of worms which I have discovered in my epic Journey stretching some 30 years starting from London and ended up in Gujarat state India.
Banning anything simply makes it go underground and creates more interest in people to view the film or read about the story. With hindsight, you realise the film should never have been banned. People are not naïve, there is a limit to how much one can brain wash people. One day they will rise and rebel once the truth comes out. Like it happened in Sri Lanka
Nothing is hidden from the Observer who is observing everything, it records everything. Just like Muslims sins are recorded. Muslims and Islam religion will disappear from Earth. Hindus religions will disappear on Earth as well. Nobody can cheat Creator All Mighty. Creator is different from God. But people do not know that. Creator retains complete control over everything on Earth. Infinity knows
people will do everything to cover up and hide the Creator of our human beings and Creator of our air we breathe in and out and Universe and so much more. That is why NOW the religions are stuck as they do not have the power to do the next think on Earth. Religions will disappear from Earth and particularly India which is submerged in false symbolic worship. None of them know who is GOD and none of them are worshipping GOD. None of them knows they themselves are GOD and they do not need to go to any Temples or Mosques or Churches etc. It was Krishna who had single handedly exposed the entire conspiracy and mystery 5000 yrs. ago which formed the GITA. That is why Krishna was destroyed on Earth.
People cannot distinguish between reality and Maya’s energies. This results in enormous confusions as fake news and fake EVM results cover up the truth in India from the masses. People simply do not care anymore. It requires deeper levels of vibrations to know how Maya’s energies are misguiding people of India. People equate this with truth whereas it is lies. Eminent Indian Philosophers from Buddha in AbhiDhamma to Adi Shankaracharya did not know the scientific structure of Reality. There is literally no hope for the masses who are simply brain washed and cannot perceive deeper levels of awareness.
It is only because Creator who reveals the Quantum science of Reality that I have acquired the knowledge. The great Buddha did not know the structure of reality or Maya.
With Kerala story film, alarm bells should have been ringing long before. At best parents should have extracted their children from the nursing school. Problem was these girls were lying to their own parents and not telling them truth about what was happening in their social lives. They paid the price for fun. This is why it beholds parents to educate both boys and girls with wide spectrum of knowledge early on in life as reality is very different in the harsh world, we live in. Education is not simply accumulation of degrees and diplomas. Ask PM Modi, he knows about the lack of value which fake degree has.
Acquiring wisdom in life is not easy. Life, experiences and painful lessons can teach us this. But at what price? I was trapped with a Hindu Priestess religious trap for whom I had made a Temple. It took me 18 years to find out the painful truth. I was lucky because Creator and God knew I was Truthful and I was deliberately trapped. I made one big break though in my epic Journey – I found or discovered Creator of our Universe. I also found God. I had to endure mega difficulties in life but by then I knew I was on the right track and I left worship of all Hindu Gods and Goddesses and stopped going to any more Temples. I stopped reading any scriptures. Religions have lied to people. India is paying the price for these lies. Kalima had lied to me, Modi was seen worshipping Kalima- who is a deity of black magic -case of blind following blind.
But what happens when parents themselves have with very little knowledge. Spitting on your parents is a disgrace. The Indian girl paid the price for it with her own life when her nude videos were exposed by the muslim jihadi in the film. The same thing has happened in UK and USA with girls now want to return back to UK and USA and these countries have denied them return back to where they had lived before. BBC had documented this with Jihadi Brides which received some criticisms. The moment one engages in violence and killing against humanity, they forfeit their rights because now countries are getting wise about their Islamic revolution and wanting Sharia laws.
Islam is a violent religion whose entire foundations is stooped in violence with Prophet Mohammad had fought 37 battles to establish his forceful domain starting from Medina after being stoned out of Mecca by Khureshi tribes. Muslims openly spat on Indians in India and even making them swallow the sputum of Muslims with Moghul rulers and tyranny in India. Slavery was ripe within Islam and Christianity. Britishers imported slaves to do their work in their territories. British were also the first to abolish slavery, which French and Napoleon wanted to continue with to earn revenue in Haiti, which British opposed and resulting battle ensued with Nelson winning whose memorial is there for all to see in London’s Trafalgar Square, where Raj Kapoor shot his film Sangam. Slavery is also the reason for the war in America between confederates and republicans., which resulted in assassination of Abraham Lincoln in 1875 yr. What blind and illiterate PM Modi does not know is that British were sent to India by Creator or Infinity who controls everything. How come British knew about human rights and Indians not know it. PM Modi has openly promoted Brahmanism and Manusmriti book which Dr. Ambedkar had strongly opposed. There is nothing worse than having a blind leader in country who is more ego centric than any other PM in the history of India who is more interested in publicity even when parts of India are burning. He has lit a fire, which I feel is leading to India’s destruction. He has accelerated India’s demise which blind illiterate Indians cannot see.
What I did not know when I wrote my book on Decline and Downfall of India was about slavery in India. Dr. Ambedkar explains 15 types of slaves in India in his book on Untouchables as explained in Narada Smriti. This was shocking news to me and a rude awakening. Even worse Dr. Ambedkar admirably exposes caste problems in India from his own experience of having endured insults by both Marathas and Muslims. Annihilation of caste is another admirable work of Dr. Ambedkar who rightfully deserves more praise for his monumental and Herculin task to take on the depressed and sudras cause.
Conversion through violent means as against conversion by insidious means, all arises because people do not have knowledge of what is true and what is false. Now they are getting wise in America as the Islamic believers have gained in roads from bottom down routes in the society and making variety of Mosques and Halls which openly advertise Koran and Sharia Laws. This has international network of people who are funded from Saudi Arabia and many Islamic countries like Turkey, Iran, Pakistan. Imran Khan himself was against India and its stand on Kashmir. He used Turkey’s help and others help which has backfired. He does not have the knowledge that Modi is also a liar and hypocrite as his sins are also serious and knowingly covered up in India by Shiv, who has lied to India and only promoted his religious name by getting Modi to go to Kasi – now Shiv is also stuck as he does not have the power and his role is long finished on Earth. Shiv has also covered up Brahma’s lies and sins. Similarly, world spiritual Mother is also guilty for not telling the truth to females in India that She is not God, otherwise who would worship her. Fake worship of Durga or Kalima leads to downfall of India women. They should rise higher in life and attain higher levels of vibrations and connect with absolute Truth whom they have all forgotten.
Will only be achieved when all the religions of the world disappears from Earth. That only Creator or Infinity can do and achieved by Creator with IT’S scientific knowledge of Quantum Consciousness.
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